New Lake Property Search Tool
Fast, Fun and Accurate

Fast, Fun and Accurate
The most useful feature of the new website is the Search Tool. You won't find anything like it and once you get used to it, you will be using it all the time.
The challenge with waterfront property is that there are so many variables. Buyers must consider the lake, the lot, and - unless it's vacant land - the house itself. Finding the perfect combination is tricky enough as it is, but if you can only search by price and the number of bedrooms/bathrooms, you have only partially narrowed the results. By allowing users to identify specific lake and lot criteria, this search tool can narrow the potential properties down to only the best available options. If the results aren't satisfactory, users can either decide what criteria to compromise on or save the search in order to track new listings that may come up that meet the critera.
I am constantly playing with this search to identify suitable properties for clients. It's very fast, very easy, and very fun!
Posted By: Adam Gohlke - March 25, 2021, 2:49 p.m.