May Market Update
Staying Strong

Staying Strong
In the last month, 27 lake homes have sold:
1 $1m+
7 $600k - $1m
9 $400k - $600k
10 <$400k
In that time, 16 vacant lake lots have sold:
7 over $200,000
3 $150k - $200k
6 < $150k
Currently there are 70 lake homes and 22 vacant lake lots under contract.
As of today, there are 57 active lake house listings on the market:
15 over $1m
17 $600k - $1m
9 $400k - $600k
16 < $400k
25 of the 70 active listings are on lakes with a clarity of 10' or more.
There are 126 active vacant lake lot listings on the market:
40 over $200k
86 under $200k
Only 42 of the 126 active listings are on lakes with a clarity of 10' or more.
Buyers still need to be fast and ready to come in strong in order to have a chance at any nice properties that come up.
Even with rising building prices, vacant lot sales are still strong. Paying a premium to build a brand new home on a lot/lake that works for you can be a better situation than paying a premium for an existing home that is on a lot/lake that you don't love.
Contact Me if I can help in any way.
Posted By: Adam Gohlke - May 18, 2021, 10:32 a.m.