Presque Isle Lake
Really Pretty Afternoon on the Lake

Really Pretty Afternoon on the Lake
My showing appointments had me in Presque Isle over the holiday weekend. With some time at the end of the day and sunny skies, I dropped in on one of my favorite lakes - Presque Isle Lake - to have some fun.
About the Lake:
1187 acres
9.3 miles of shoreline
8.3 acres/owner (lake density)
15.4 owners/miles of shoreline (lake density)
103' max depth
23' Clarity
There are two launches on the lake. One on the south side of the lake off of County P, which is shallow and a little bit tricky to launch on busy days because it's so close to the road that you need to block traffic to get the boat in. I've done that before, but this time I used the launch on the east side of the lake off of Bayview Rd. This launch has a large blacktop parking area, a cement ramp into the lake, and a nice drop off. The boat practically jumped in the water.
South Launch
East Launch
The lake is quite expansive, incredibly clear, and sparsely populated, which I'd say are the main draws to the lake. From the boat, it's gorgeous to look around and see the wooded landscape. There are some really nice homes scattered around the shoreline that I imagine have breathtaking views looking across the large lake. The southeast corner of the lake has the most character with a couple of bays and a channel leading to Averill Lake, which leads to Van Vliet Lake. One has to be careful in Averill as it's only 3-5' deep. Van Vliet does get to 13' of depth. It's pretty to ride into these lakes and see the wooded shorelines, but the water clarity is much lower in these lakes compared to Presque Isle.
One of the many nice homes on the lake
The most impressive thing about being on Presque Isle Lake is the water clarity. I'm a water snob, which is why my first 3 lake visits this year were to Black Oak, Stormy and now Presque Isle. At least in the spring, Presque Isle Lake was even more impressive than those two notoriously clear lakes. I put in the secchi disk and got a reading of 19', which is incredible for the spring.
Crisp Wake
I didn't do any fishing while I was on the lake, but I get the impression it's a good lake to fish because while I was set to leave late in the afternoon there were 3 fishing boats in line ready to launch. I also believe the shallow and darker waters in Averill and Van Vliet Lakes provide anglers with opportunities to catch fish that are hanging out in the warmer water in the spring.
Channel into Averill Lake
Of course I needed to have some jetboarding fun while I was on the lake. The southeast corner of the lake was nice for this as the waters were calmer and I could really let it rip. I love being on the water with the jetboard, they can be used for a relaxing cruise or a challenging ride. Either way, it's so quiet!
Great Day For A Ride
At the time of this blog post, there are two properties listed for sale on Presque Isle Lake (Check for current listings). One is a vacant lot for $249,000 and the other is a home for $825,000. I have shown both multiple times. If you have any questions about them you can <contact me> for more information. If you like the Presque Isle area you should definitely sign up to receive notifications (between homes and lots for sale) for any new listings that come up on the lake.
For anyone looking to stay on the lake there is the Sunrise Resort - on the west side of the lake. Their website is pretty convenient to use.
While in the area, we had a late lunch at The Retreat Bar located on the north side of the lake just across on County Road W. It's not a very big place, but there is a lot of bar seating and 5 or 6 tables. I've been wanting to stop here since I saw a sign advertising the Gyros at least a couple of years ago. The gyros didn't disappoint.
Tasty Gyro
A nearby attraction that I hope to go to soon is the Van Vliet Hemlocks - which are located on the east side of Van Vliet Lake. This is a 400 acre parcel with more than 10 miles of trails. Hemlock forests are gorgeous and I'm looking forward to checking it out. That will be a blog post for another day.
Posted By: Adam Gohlke - June 2, 2021, 3:50 p.m.