Long Lake - TL Chain
Cloudy Day Close to Home

Cloudy Day Close to Home
With rain clouds on the horizon and an afternoon trip to see dad on Father's Day on the agenda, I decided to hit the nearby landing on Long Lake for at least a little bit of time on the water.
About the Lake:
620 acres
7.45 miles of shoreline
5.3 acres/owner (lake density)
15.6 owners/miles of shoreline (lake density)
31' max depth
13' avg depth
5.5' Clarity
The Long Lake boat launch is on the west shoreline. It's pretty narrow with a fairly steep gravel drive down to the water. There is no spot to turn around by the lake so one has to back down from the road. The grade into the lake is so steep that the back of the boat is floating off of the trailer way before the back tires of the truck get wet. We didn't have any problems, but I'd say make sure your vehicle is a good climber if you're going to use this launch. Also, not having a pier at the launch made it a little difficult to load up gear as well. All in all, though, it really wasn't a big deal to get the boat launched here.
Steep Boat Launch
Long Lake is the northernmost lake on the Three Lakes Chain of Lakes. Even on a dreary day, one can tell when they are out on the chain. There were numerous fishermen in the bays, kayakers exploring the shoreline, and a rogue water slalom water skier seemingly making his weekly Sunday morning ski run. None of this was loud or disturbing, it was just more activity than you would see on an off-chain lake. The extra activity isn't for everyone, but it was fun to see more people and boats out on the water having a good time doing their thing.
The channel at the very north end of the lake leads to the lift that takes boats over the dam and drops them into the Eagle River chain. I don't think this is something people would do very often, though, as it's a long channel with no wake requirements so it takes a long time. That being said, it is a quiet and calm area which is probably a hit for fishing boats, kayaks, and canoes.
The lift to the Eagle River Chain
The east shoreline of the lake is mostly owned by Wheaton College and is the site of the HoneyRock Camp. It certainly is a peaceful shoreline with a lot of natural shoreline and fun sounds from the activity at the camp. The rest of the shoreline was developed with a lot of older cabins, but also some big, beautiful homes as well. A couple really nice places were on the south side of the lake near the channel into the next lake on the chain - Planting Ground Lake.
One of the Nice Houses on Long Lake
The Long Lake Shoreline
You can visit the Long Lake page here to check for any available listings on the lake or to sign up to receive notifications for new listings on the lake. If you are looking to be on the chain, but perhaps a little bit outside of the major activity areas, Long Lake would be a great spot to land. Contact Me if you would like help finding a property on the Three Lakes Chain.
Posted By: Adam Gohlke - June 29, 2021, 12:20 p.m.