Out on Hasbrook Lake
Some Fun in the Sun

Some Fun in the Sun
In April, I listed a home on Hasbrook Lake. I was there when the ice came off and the lake was singing - literally (check out this video). It was also the first lake that I got into this year. Coming back this summer was a must and this was the perfect weekend for it - Full sun and 80 degrees. Hasbrook Lake here I come.
About the Lake:
307 acres
4.2 miles of shoreline
6.98 acres/owner (lake density)
10.48 owners/miles of shoreline (lake density)
50' max depth
25' Clarity
At around 300 acres, it's on the small side to some. However, it has great depth and clarity. There is quite a bit of state-owned shoreline along with some large tracts of private owners that keep the density on the lake very low (I believe there are only 43 owners on the lake). The lake is about 20 minutes from Minocqua and about the same from Rhinelander, but the little town of Lake Tomahawk is just a few minutes away and is pretty ideal in my mind. There is a diner, a nice restaurant, a hardware store, a meat market, a gas station, and an ice cream shop.
The launch is on the southwest corner of the lake and is one of the nicest launches I've been to this year. Concrete ramp with a reasonable drop off into the lake. Unloaded the boat, had a quick chat with the monitors at the landing and in we went. What is great about being in the Northwoods with so many lakes is that even on a sunny weekend day, it's not very crowded. Only 3 other trailers at the landing today.
Boat Launch
So far this year we've been hitting a lot of larger lakes: Big Muskellunge, Two Sisters, White Sand - Boulder Junction, White Sand - Lac du Flambeau, Plum, and Presque Isle. Being on Hasbrook was a nice change of pace. It's a more quaint feel, yet it still has plenty of space for tubing and skiing. There is also more protection from the wind versus the larger lakes, which is nice for the silent sport enthusiasts. It's really the perfect size for all sorts of fun. A couple of islands adds to the aesthetics and character of the lake as well.
Clean Water and Great Scenery
The clear and crisp water of Hasbrook Lake is certainly a highlight of the lake. Today's secchi disc reading was 17'. Last year, they had a reading as deep as 25', which puts it among the clearest lakes in the entire state. We forgot the gopro today so I only have video from the backup camera...so it isn't very clear compared to my other secchi videos. I posted the video below anyway since it was neat that a school of bait fish was surrounding the boat.
There was a wide variety of activities on the lake today. There was a couple paddle boarding on the shoreline, a fisherman casting in the bay, a family taking turns water skiing, and a group that was just soaking up the sun floating in tubes around their boat. Of course, there was also me sneaking around on the electric jetboard - I really love how quiet it is. It was fun to be able to buzz around the islands and to check out the home I listed in the spring (sorry, that one sold in the first weekend). It was also another clean run for me without any major wipeouts.
If you are interested in owning a place on Hasbrook Lake you should register and sign up to receive listing notifications for any new listing that comes up on the lake. There aren't many privately owned properties and most of the owners have no interest in selling. So when something does come up, you have to find out about it right away or it will be gone before you even have a chance.
As always, please contact me if you are looking for help with your lakefront search. Whether it's giving you more information about properties that are currently on the market or identifying lakes that may be a future landing spot for you, I'm happy to assist.
Posted By: Adam Gohlke - Aug. 19, 2021, 4:37 p.m.