Lac Du Lune
Abundant Sun and Clear Water

Abundant Sun and Clear Water
I know I have poor time management skills when it takes me until August before I have the chance to get the boat out on the water for the first time of the year. With an "abundant sunshine" forecast timed with a visit from mom, it was the perfect day to get on the water again. A cruise on Lac du Lune has been long overdue so that's where we headed.
About the Lake:
442 acres
7.7 miles of shoreline
31.57 acres/owner (lake density)
1.82 owners/miles of shoreline (lake density)
68' max depth
19.5' Clarity
Lac du Lune is a real gem of a lake. While there isn't any state owned shoreline, the density on the lake is lower than several of the lakes I visited last year that were considered to be mostly state-owned lakes. There are only 14 or 15 private owners on the lake and there are miles of undeveloped shoreline.
The launch is on the north side of the lake and a big truck is almost a requirement. The water is still high in the lake and the shallow launch requires one to back in pretty far before getting the boat to float off the trailer. Since we don't have a big truck, we went with the muscle approach and pushed the boat off the trailer - it worked.
The lake is 442 acres, but it has a much larger feel. A long peninsula separates the lake into two main lobes and adds quite a bit of shoreline. The east side of the lake has several islands to add to the character of the lake as well. It's nice that no matter where you are on the lake you can't see the entire body of water.
The water quality is incredible. With the sun shining brightly, it was easy to see down several feet - I confirmed it with the secchi disk, which read 19' today. It was also great to see the crisp, clear white wake behind the boat again. The lake has a lot of depth (68' max) and the only spot we needed to be careful was on the south end of the west side of the lake. That spot narrows quite a bit and is currently about 4' deep. When lake levels are down, big boats would have to be careful...although, it looked like it was mostly sand through here and not rocks so perhaps it would be a little more forgiving on the props.
Today was a pretty quick tour around the lake without much extra time for fooling around so I didn't even bring the jetboards or kayaks. I found some flippers stashed away in the boat so I couldn't leave without at least taking a quick swim. It was a great feeling being in such a clean and clear lake. There will definitely be more days of sun and fun for me at Lac du Lune - I can't wait to come back with all of the toys!
Posted By: Adam Gohlke - Aug. 16, 2022, 3:34 p.m.