Northern Lights in Northern WI
Lots of Color on the Day of First Ice

Lots of Color on the Day of First Ice
While eating supper on the night of the first of December I recieved a notice that there was going to be strong solar activity. I decided to head up to the spec house on Black Oak Lake to see if I could get any good pictures with reflections off the water. I made it up there around seven thirty and the sky was already dancing. The lake had froze over during the day so the reflections were off the clear ice which was even neater than they were off the water the previous night.
The show went on for a few hours before petering out and I was able to get some neat pictures. Since we haven't done a blog post in awhile, I thought it made sense to share the pictures as a way of keeping the blog fresh. Actually, I was talking to a client and he mentioned the blog was dead lately so he gets the credit (thanks Alex!) for sparking the idea.
Posted By: Adam Gohlke - Dec. 12, 2023, 8:30 p.m.