South Two Lake

South Two Lake is a quiet 221 acre lake with really clear water (15 foot clarity). The water is deep with an average depth of 26 feet and a max depth of 69 feet. The lake sees little boat traffic. The drive to Minocqua is relatively short so you aren't isolated, but you can still enjoy the middle of the Northwoods feel of the lake. There is a lot of state owned land around the lake and there are nearly four acres of water per owner. There is a small channel that connects South Two Lake to North Two Lake, offering access to another 150 acres of water. There are only about 13 owners per mile of shoreline on the lake.
Biking/Walking/Ski Trails:
McNaughton Trails - A 13 mile unpaved trail that is groomed in the winter for skiing. The terrain is mostly gentle with a few steep hills. There is no hiking or biking in the winter and a trail pass is required for skiing and biking.
Paddling Routes:
Quiet and calm make for great paddling and that's what you usually find at South Two. Add in access to North Two and you end up with a great spot to kayak, row, or paddle.
Snowmobile Trails:
The Cross Country Cruisers Trail System runs just off the western tip lake. This club grooms 90 miles of trails that connect to the rest of the trails in Northern Wisconsin.
ATV Trails:
No nearby ATV Trails
Nearby State Areas:
17 mins

Homes for Sale:
No Current Listings
Lots for Sale:
No Current Listings